A Perception of History of Computer Science

              There’s hidden science that affects every part of your life, a science so powerful that you would be hard-pressed to find a single human being on the planet unaffected by its achievements, it is the science behind computers, the machines which drive the supply and creation of power, food, medicine, money, communication, entertainment and most goods our stores. It has transformed societies with the internet, the digitization of information, mobile phone networks, and GPS technologies. From the simplest to the most sophisticated human activities, the power of computing has changed the way we interact individually, socially, culturally and globally.

                I still remember the days when I was a little kid and once in a while I would come across and see a computer, as in my town, there weren't many computers. I used to get so excited to see them and play around with them. At present day, I am so addicted to them and the things I can do with them. It so hard to live without computers as the world has come so far in computing that almost everything is computerized. 

                           Since the discovery of computer science, our world has changed so much in a good manner. It connected us to each other and it enabled us access to enormous amount of information that we can use to do wonders. We have reached to Moon and Mars already with the help of computer science and making use of it's powers. We can now just only imagine what the future will bring.


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